Tatsuki Fujimoto’s highly acclaimed comedy horror manga, “Chainsaw Man,” has become a major sensation in the shōnen genre over the past few months. While the anime adaptation has garnered success, an erotic NSFW version has unexpectedly dominated the headlines, surpassing the original television series in DVD sales.
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In April 2023, a Japanese adult video (JAV) publisher announced the release of an “erotic battle fantasy” live-action adaptation of Chainsaw Man titled “Dildoman.” It became available to the public in May, and surprisingly, this pornographic parody outperformed the anime version in sales within a week.
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During its first week, the Blu-ray release of the Chainsaw Man anime sold only 1,735 copies, while the adult video quickly went out of stock after hitting the shelves, selling over 8,600 copies in less than a week. Meanwhile, the original anime series has yet to surpass the ten thousand mark in combined Blu-ray and DVD sales.
“Dildoman” is a provocative adult live-action adaptation of Chainsaw Man, portraying an intense and sexually charged battle fantasy. The story revolves around Chinji, a destitute man who meets his demise while working. In a fateful turn of events, he is resurrected as “Dildoman” through a pact with the dildo demon named Goro. Subsequently, Chinji is recruited by Bakima, a member of the Devil Hunter Anti-Demon Fourth Division, and fearlessly pursues his desires. With impure motives, he confronts and conquers demons. The cover art of this anime JAV prominently features Denji, the main protagonist, alongside Makima, Power, and Reze, adding depth and complexity to the storyline.
Source: Twitter